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  • "(...) pragniemy w naszym kraju moralności zamiast egoizmu, uczciwości, a nie pustego "honoru", zasad zamiast zwykłych przyzwyczajeń, obowiązku, a nie tylko naszej przyzwoitości, władzy rozumu zamiast tyranii, mody potępienia występku, a nie pogardy dla nieszczęśliwych..."

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  • A contract addendum is a document that serves as an addition or extension to an existing contract. It includes any additional terms, conditions, or changes that were not included in the original agreement. The purpose of a contract addendum is to amend and modify the terms of an agreement already in place.

    A contract addendum is a legally binding document that both parties must sign to signify their agreement. It is usually necessary when changes are made to the original contract after it has been signed. For example, a contract addendum may be used to modify a delivery date, change the scope of work, or update the payment terms. It is important to note that once a contract addendum is signed, it becomes a part of the original contract and is enforceable by law.

    Contract addendums are common in many industries, including real estate, construction, and business agreements. In real estate, a contract addendum may be used to add or remove contingencies, extend the closing date, or adjust the purchase price. In construction, a contract addendum may be used to adjust the project timeline or change the materials used. In business agreements, a contract addendum may be used to modify payment terms, add or remove products or services, or change the terms of confidentiality.

    When creating a contract addendum, it is important to be clear, concise, and specific about the changes being made. The document should clearly outline the new terms and conditions, and any other information that may be relevant to the changes. Both parties should review the contract addendum carefully before signing to ensure they fully understand the changes being made and their impact on the original contract.

    In conclusion, a contract addendum is a valuable tool for modifying an existing agreement. It can be used to adjust the terms of a contract to better reflect the current needs and circumstances of both parties. If you are considering changing the terms of an existing contract, a contract addendum may be the perfect solution. Just remember to always be clear, concise, and thorough when creating and signing a contract addendum to ensure both parties are fully informed and the agreement is legally binding.

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    GMP Agreement with TGA: Everything You Need to Know

    Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) agreements are crucial for the pharmaceutical industry. They ensure that manufacturers comply with regulatory standards for the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for regulating therapeutic goods. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies seeking to export to Australia must have a GMP agreement with TGA.

    What is a GMP agreement with TGA?

    A GMP agreement with TGA is a legal document that outlines the manufacturing and quality control processes that a pharmaceutical company needs to follow to ensure that their products meet regulatory standards and are safe for use. The GMP agreement is necessary for a pharmaceutical company to obtain a GMP clearance certificate from TGA, which allows them to export their products to Australia.

    Why is a GMP agreement with TGA essential?

    The TGA requires that manufacturers have a GMP agreement with them to ensure that the products they produce are safe, effective, and of high quality. The agreement also facilitates cooperation between regulatory authorities and manufacturers to ensure that pharmaceutical products are in compliance with regulatory standards.

    What are the requirements for a GMP agreement with TGA?

    To obtain a GMP clearance certificate from TGA, a pharmaceutical company must demonstrate its compliance with the following requirements:

    1. Quality control and manufacturing processes: The company must have a quality control system in place to ensure that its products are safe, effective, and of high quality.

    2. Personnel and training: The company must have personnel who are qualified and trained to perform their assigned tasks.

    3. Facilities and equipment: The company must have facilities and equipment that are suitable for the production of pharmaceutical products.

    4. Documentation: The company must keep accurate and complete documentation of its manufacturing processes and quality control systems.

    5. Validation and qualification: The company must validate its manufacturing processes and equipment and qualify its suppliers and contractors.

    6. Complaints and recalls: The company must have procedures in place for handling customer complaints and product recalls.

    7. Auditing and monitoring: The company must be subject to regular audits to ensure that it complies with regulatory standards.

    Final thoughts

    A GMP agreement with TGA is necessary for pharmaceutical companies seeking to export to Australia. Compliance with regulatory standards is critical to ensure that pharmaceutical products are safe, effective, and of high quality. Therefore, it is essential for pharmaceutical manufacturers to have a GMP agreement with TGA, and to maintain compliance with regulatory standards through regular audits and quality control processes.

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    A letter of agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement made between two or more parties. It is important to have a letter of agreement in order to ensure that all parties involved are on the same page and have a clear understanding of the terms of the agreement.

    In Malaysia, a letter of agreement is known as „surat perjanjian”. This document is often used in business dealings, partnerships, and other agreements where it is important to have a written record of the terms of the agreement.

    When drafting a letter of agreement in Malaysia, there are several important elements that should be included. These elements include:

    1. Names and addresses of all parties involved: It is important to clearly identify all parties involved in the agreement including their full names and addresses.

    2. Description of the agreement: This section should clearly outline the purpose of the agreement and the scope of the work to be carried out.

    3. Terms and conditions: This section should outline the terms and conditions of the agreement including payment terms, deadlines, and any other important provisions.

    4. Signatures: All parties involved should sign the letter of agreement to indicate that they have read and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement.

    It is important to note that a letter of agreement is a legally binding document and should be taken seriously. It is always a good idea to have a lawyer review the document before signing to ensure that all parties are protected and the terms of the agreement are fair and reasonable.

    In conclusion, a letter of agreement is an important document in Malaysia for any business or partnership agreement. It serves as a written record of the terms and conditions of the agreement and provides clarity for all parties involved. To ensure that the agreement is legally binding and all parties are protected, it is important to have a lawyer review the document before signing.

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